I am using a spray-routing which is pretty elegant with using symbols for parameters. However I am dealing with some legacy code and need to use java enum. Is there some elegant way how to convert scala symbol to java enum?
So the desired code would look as follows:
post {
parameters(('adId.as[String], 'propertyType.as[TypNe])).as(Import) { imp:Import =>
complete {
adImporterService ! imp
where TypNem is java enum and Import is a scala case class. Instead of
post {
parameters(('adId.as[String], 'propertyType.as[String])) { (aId,pType) =>
complete {
adImporterService ! Import(aId,TypNe.valueOf(pType.toUpperCase()))
For Java Enum PropertyType
public enum PropertyType {
You need to provide custom Deserializer
implicit val propertyTypeDeserializer =
new Deserializer[String, PropertyType] {
def apply(s: String): Deserialized[PropertyType] = {
Try(PropertyType.valueOf(s)) match {
case Success(pt) =>
case Failure(err) =>
Left(MalformedContent("Wrong property type. Accepted values: ${PropertyType.values}", Some(err)))
def receive: Receive = runRoute {
path("test") {
parameter('prop.as[PropertyType]) { case prop =>
get {
complete(s"Result: $prop. Class: ${prop.getClass}")
Solution from @Dici also works and much smaller, but with custom Deserializer you are more flexible with error handling