I'm trying to write a Gremlin query to traverse a graph using Tinkerpop Frames.
Here is the code I have:
+ ".outE"
+ ".filter{it.label=='usedwith'}"
+ ".sort{-it.weight}"
+ ".toList()"
+ ".reverse()"
+ "[start, 'start+size']"
+ ".inV")
public Iterable<Ingredient> getMostUsedWith(@GremlinParam("start") int start,
@GremlinParam("size") int size);
I basically want to get all edges from my current vertex with type 'usedwith', sort them based on weight attribute descendingly and then get a page from the list of vertices that these edges are pointing at.
Sadly this code doesn't work and throws a lot of errors. Can you revise this?
Maybe you could write your query as:
it.outE('usedwith').order{it.b.weight <=> it.a.weight}.inV[start..(start + size)]