I am using the ariutta svg-pan-zoom library(https://github.com/ariutta/svg-pan-zoom).
I am trying to pan to a specific shape at (x:1000, y:20) when the user clicks a button. I would also like the image to centre at this point.
The Problem I am facing is the point I am trying to pan and centre at goes off the screen.
I am currently using:
panZoom.pan({x:1000, y:20});
but this does not work.
Please see the jsFiddle for more info: http://jsfiddle.net/arjSharma/n6r55dp1/2/
Can anyone help with my problem?
I managed to answer my question: I first pan to point 0,0 using the method:
I then get the 'real Zoom' value by:
var realZoom= panZoom.getSizes().realZoom;
To pan and centre at specific x and y, use the pan() method and pass x and y coordinates like in the example below:
x: -(755*realZoom)+(panZoom.getSizes().width/2),
y: -(240*realZoom)+(panZoom.getSizes().height/2)
The '+(panZoom.getSizes().width/2)' and '+(panZoom.getSizes().height/2)' are responsible for adding the offset to the x and y coordinates which ensures the image is centred.
Feel free to ask any further questions regarding my answer.