
Structure not returned to client using thrift c_glib client

I am trying to implement client/ server program in c (c_glib) using thrift.

I have implemented the client/ server passing variables as function arguments. Now I need to pass structure as function argument.

The thrift file am using is given below

#!/usr/local/bin/thrift --gen c_glib

struct packet {
        1: i32 header,
        2: i32 data

service Calculator {
        void ping(),
        i32 calculate(1:i32 id, 2:i32 num),
        void stop_transfer(),
        void set_packet(1:packet pac_data)


The steps which I followed for passing the structure is :

The client side relevant code is given below

int main (void) 
    gint head;
    gint dat;

    packet *trans_packet;

    trans_packet = g_object_new (TYPE_PACKET, NULL);

    if(!error && calculator_if_set_packet (client, trans_packet, &error)) {
        g_object_get((packet *) trans_packet,
             "header", &head,
             "data", &dat,

        printf("struct->header : %d\n", head);
        printf("struct->data : %d\n", dat);

    g_object_unref (trans_packet);


The server side function is given below

static gboolean 
tutorial_calculator_handler_set_packet(CalculatorIf *iface,
                                  const packet * pac_data,
                                  GError **error)
    gint header;
    gint data;

    THRIFT_UNSED_VAR (iface);
    THRIFT_UNUSED_VAR (error);

    g_object_get((packet *) pac_data,
             "header", &header,
             "data", &data,

    g_object_set((packet *) pac_data,
             "header", 123,
             "data", 999,

    return TRUE;

When am doing this, the server is not returning anything to the client when am calling calculator_if_set_packet().

Can anyone help me on this?


  • I could find the solution for the above problem.

    I changed the thrift file as follows :

    #!/usr/local/bin/thrift --gen c_glib
    struct packet {
        1: i32 header,
        2: i32 data
    service Calculator {
        void ping(),
        i32 calculate(1:i32 id, 2:i32 num),
        void stop_transfer(),
        packet set_packet(1:packet pac_data)

    The corresponding modification in client and server part as given below :

    In client part

    int main (void) 
        gint head;
        gint dat;
        packet *trans_packet;
        packet *ret_packet;
        trans_packet = g_object_new (TYPE_PACKET, NULL);
        ret_packet = g_object_new (TYPE_PACKET, NULL);
        if(!error && calculator_if_set_packet (client, &ret_packet, trans_packet, &error)) {
            g_object_get((packet *) ret_packet,
                 "header", &head,
                 "data", &dat,
            printf("struct->header : %d\n", head);
            printf("struct->data : %d\n", dat);
        g_object_unref (trans_packet);
        g_object_unref (ret_packet);

    In server part

    static gboolean 
    tutorial_calculator_handler_set_packet(CalculatorIf *iface,
                                  packet ** _return,
                                  const packet * pac_data,
                                  GError **error)
        gint header;
        gint data;
        THRIFT_UNSED_VAR (iface);
        THRIFT_UNUSED_VAR (error);
        g_object_get((packet *) pac_data,
                 "header", &header,
                 "data", &data,
                 "header", 123,
                 "data", 999,
        return TRUE;

    Now whatever I set in the server am getting that in client.

    If there is any other solution, do update the answer.