
Yii 2.0 Widget element options

So I have a widget of listView that displays list of text

echo Menu::widget([
                   'options' => ['class'=>'nav navbar-nav side-nav'], 
                   'items'   => [
                       ['label' =>'Dashboard', ],
                       ['label' => 'Products'],

When I open browser , the result is :

<ul class="nav navbar-nav side-nav">

How do I add html element inside the <li> like below :

<ul class="nav navbar-nav side-nav">
     <li><i class='fap fap-dashboard'>Dashboard</i></li>
     <li><b class='fap fap-product'>Products</b></li>

by using widget ?

I have tried putting another item element beside label, but it instead created another <ul> element, and I also tried using 'options' beside label, and it instead change the li attribute (not creating inside it)


  • For reach you goal you need set encodeLabels property to false (see). Code like this(it is work code):

                    'options' => ['class'=>'nav navbar-nav side-nav', 'format' => 'raw'],
                    'encodeLabels' => false,
                    'items'   => [
                        ['label' => Html::tag('i', 'Dashboard',['class' => 'fap fap-dashboard'])],
                        ['label' => Html::tag('b', 'Products',['class' => 'fap fap-product'])],