
Google fonts are not loaded in Chrome (google server returns not found status)

I've been using the same google fonts in development for a couple of months by now and today they just stopped to load in Chrome (works fine in FF).

I have the following line in my scss file:

@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,600,700&subset=cyrillic,latin);

and I have the following requests in Chrome Network tab that return 404

Request URL:http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v10/MTP_ySUJH_bn48VBG8sNSpX5f-9o1vgP2EXwfjgl7AY.woff2

Request URL:http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v10/RjgO7rYTmqiVp7vzi-Q5URJtnKITppOI_IvcXXDNrsc.woff2

Request URL:http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/opensans/v10/k3k702ZOKiLJc3WVjuplzJX5f-9o1vgP2EXwfjgl7AY.woff2

Also it's worth pointing out that the requests' paths are different for FF and Chrome

Any idea what might've caused google fonts stop to work? I update my ubuntu everytime it offers updates, is there a chance it has to do something with ubuntu update?

PS if I simply open link that I use for the @import, it shows me font-faces for all the types there are for this font, instead of just the three I need, and again, it shows me only 3 in FF


  • See https://github.com/google/fonts/issues/14. Chrome users of Google Fonts for non-latin scripts for Open Sans were temporarily impacted.