In Grails, services are singletons by default. Can I keep it that way and still create an instance of an inner class of that service from a controller?
//by default grails makes MyTestService a singlton
class MyTestService{
public class InnerTest{
String msg;
def addMsg(String str){
def printMsg(){
println this.msg;
In controller "MyController"...
def m=myTestService.getInstance().new InnerTest();
//produces " MyTestService.InnerTest cannot be cast to MyTestService.InnerTest"
def InnerTest();
//No signature of method:MyController.InnerTest()
You should be able to do something like:
class MyTestService{
public class InnerTest{
String msg;
def addMsg(String str){
def printMsg(){
println this.msg;
def InnerTestFactory() {
new InnerTest()
And use it from your controller:
def m=myTestService.InnerTestFactory();