
Python, PyFITS, cannot open file

I have problem in opening FITS file in Python. I get following error-message:

File "G:\Anaconda\lib\site-packages\pyfits\", line 416, in _open_filelike % self.mode)  
IOError: File-like object does not have a 'write' method, required for mode 'ostream'

at hdulist = line (I did import pyfits as pft).

I checked the path twice - it's correct.
I'm not able to find any reference to this error in context of using PyFITS and I will be gratefull for any help.

I missed some details and I'm sorry for it.
First of all: I'm using PyFITS 3.3 under Anaconda distribution for Windows (Windows XP 32-bit).
Code of whole widget you can find at this link:
In a short - I'm making simple explorer for filesystem, just to let user navigate to folder with FITS files and read it from folder. All project is under PyQT4.


  • Obviously your path is not a subclass of basestring (I suppose you use Python 2.7) as it is expected by PyFITS. In fact path is a QString instance and you have to convert to unicode first.

    So replace your line

    hdulist =


    hdulist =, encoding="UTF-8"))