I'm trying to accomplish some form of redirection of messages in .NET Remoting.
As you can see in the image I would like for the client to send a message to the provider (which is the only URI that the client has to know about), which will then redirect this to host1. Here's the tricky part; the provider will keep track of which host is alive (by exposing a register/unregister remoting-method to the hosts), in other words the provider has to be able to dynamically change which URI it should redirect the message to.
I have been attempting to solve the problem by creating a host in the provider that the client sends messages to, and then a client (in the provider) that implements a custom proxy (by inheriting from RealProxy) that will redirect messages to the currently preferred host. However, I keep coming back to the problem about dynamically changing URI and I get the feeling that I'm just missing some easy, but vital, part that will solve this problem without turning it into a big hairy monster.
Any tips/hints will be much appreciated!
For future reference, I'm taking another, simplified, approach on this. The provider will be removed and instead the client will try to access host1 directly. In case of a SocketException, which is what it will get when the host doesn't reply, then put it in quarantine for X minutes and try with the next host. If all hosts are down, re-throw the exception.