
Android accessory displays splash screen instead of launching app

I'm developing an Android app to interface with a custom accessory, using a Moto X 1st-gen and a Galaxy S5 for testing. On both of these phones, when the accessory is connected, instead of prompting the user to launch the app, it simply displays a gray modal with the accessory company's logo. The strange thing is that if I have multiple apps installed with this accessory filter, the launch-app prompt does pop up, and if I select my app and launch it through the prompt, it works as expected. If I select 'always launch' and then uninstall the other app, it works as expected. But if I update the app, the problem resurfaces.

I can't seem to find any other instances of this problem occurring. I've tried changing which Activity the intent-filter is tied to; no luck.

I've configured the AndroidManifest like so:

    android:targetSdkVersion="19" />

<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.usb.accessory" />



  <uses-library android:name="" />


          <action android:name="android.hardware.usb.action.USB_ACCESSORY_ATTACHED" />

          android:resource="@xml/accessory_filter" />

And have my accessory_filter set up like so:

    <usb-accessory manufacturer="My-Manufacturer" model="My-Model" version="1.0"/>


  • It seems that this behavior was occurring because I was using a large PNG (671x725) in the drawable folder as the app icon. When I got around to creating individual icons at the appropriate dpi sizes, the problem vanished. I have no clue why icon size would have any bearing whatsoever on the ability of the OS to launch an app on accessory connect, but there you go.