
Typing an Array with a union type in TypeScript?

I was just wondering if it is possible to type array with a union type, so that one array can contain both Apples and Oranges but nothing else.

Something like

var arr : (Apple|Orange)[] = [];

arr.push(apple); //ok
arr.push(orange); //ok
arr.push(1); //error
arr.push("abc"); // error

Needless to say, the example above does not work so this may not be possible, or am I missing something?


  • class Apple {
      appleFoo: any;
    class Orange {
      orangeFoo: any;
    var arr : Array<Apple|Orange> = [];
    var apple = new Apple();
    var orange = new Orange();
    arr.push(apple); //ok
    arr.push(orange); //ok
    arr.push(1); //error
    arr.push("abc"); // error
    var something = arr[0];
    if(something instanceof Apple) {
      something.appleFoo; //ok
      something.orangeFoo; //error
    } else if(something instanceof Orange) {
      something.appleFoo; //error
      something.orangeFoo; //ok