i am new in cocos2d-x3.2 and i am creating a tile based game something like mario. I created a tile map with a collidable layer . but when I am using Dictionary *properties;
then its showing error in dictionary . So what can I use for detecting the collision?
Point tileCoord = this->tileCoordForPosition(position);
int tileGid = CollisionLAyer->tileGIDAt(tileCoord);
if (tileGid) {
Dictionary *properties;
properties = _tileMap->propertiesForGID(tileGid);
if (properties) {
String *collision = new CCString();
*collision = *properties->valueForKey("Collidable");
if (collision && (collision->compare("True") == 0)) {
With 3.2 I believe the properties are created in a ValueMap.
Value properties = this->getPropertiesForGID(0);
if (! properties.isNull())
ValueMap dict = properties.asValueMap();
Value collision = dict["Collidable"];
if (! collision.isNull() && collision.asString() == "True") {
You can also use an additional tile layer if you want and for example use a red semi-transparent single tile tileset. Draw over all tiles that should be collision tiles. Then you can check if the gid on that layer is > 0 for collisions.