I have a two-part question, so let me give some background first. I know that is possible to do something similar to what I want like this:
import scalaz.concurrent._
import scalaz.stream._
val q = async.unboundedQueue[Int]
val p: Process[Task, Int] = q.dequeue
q.enqueueAll(1 to 2).run
val p1: Process1[Int, Int] = process1.take(1)
p.pipe(p1).map(x => println(s"Answer: $x")).run.run
// Answer: 1
p.pipe(p1).map(x => println(s"Answer: $x")).run.run
// Answer: 2
p.pipe(p1).map(x => println(s"Answer: $x")).run.run
// hangs awaiting next input
Is there some other p1
that I could use that would give me the output below without hanging (it would be like process1.awaitOption
Answer: Some(1)
Answer: Some(2)
Answer: None
If yes, I think it would be easy to answer the next question. Is there some other p1
that I could use that would give me the output below without hanging (it would be like process1.chunkAll
Answer: Seq(1, 2)
Answer: Seq()
Answer: Seq()
To complement the question to make it more understandable. If I have a loop like this:
for (i <- 1 to 4) {
p.pipe(p1).map(x => println(s"Answer: $x")).run.run
The result could be:
Answer: Seq()
// if someone pushes some values into the queue, like: q.enqueueAll(1 to 2).run
Answer: Seq(1, 2)
Answer: Seq()
Answer: Seq()
I hope it's clear now what I am trying to do. The problem is that I don't have control of the loop and I must not block it if there's no values in the queue.
Although I couldn't make Pavel's answer work the way I wanted, it was the turning point and I could use his advice to use the size signal.
I'm posting my answer here in case anyone need it:
import scalaz.concurrent._
import scalaz.stream._
val q = async.unboundedQueue[Int]
val p: Process[Task, Int] = q.size.continuous.take(1).flatMap { n => q.dequeue |> process1.take(n) }
q.enqueueAll(1 to 2).run
p.map(x => println(s"Answer: $x")).run.run
// Answer: 1
// Answer: 2
p.map(x => println(s"Answer: $x")).run.run
// not hanging awaiting next input
p.map(x => println(s"Answer: $x")).run.run
// not hanging awaiting next input
q.enqueueAll(1 to 2).run
p.map(x => println(s"Answer: $x")).run.run
// Answer: 1
// Answer: 2
I realize that it's not exactly answering the question since I don't have an explicit p1
, but it's fine for my purposes.