
How to install a ruby gem

I'm trying to write a program with colorized output. I looked at a few, and the gem I found was colorize. I've done some research, but I can't find step-by-step instructions on how to install a gem, require it, and use it. The gem I want is colorize, and I also need to know if there's anything else it requires. All I have is the standard ruby console that comes in the Ruby21 file, and notepad++ to write and save it. I need to know how and where to install it, whether I type something into the terminal or download a file and put it somewhere, and how to require it and its prerequisites(if any) in a file.


  • You can install the gem using your CLI simply by typing: gem install colorize. You can then utilize the gem by requiring it, so at the top of your .rb file add require 'colorize'. Then just test it out by trying puts "This is blue".colorize(:blue).

    Your .rb could look like this for example:

    require 'colorize'
    puts "This is blue".colorize(:blue)