I have all my image files served from a different domain, and I put that host name as a variable into Meteor.settings. Then, how can I access this variable within a Meteor template?
For example, in this template, what's the best practice to replace img.example.com
with a variable defined in Meteor.settings or some other global variables? I don't think it's a good idea to pass it to every template by using helpers.
<template name="products">
{{#each items}}
<img src="http://img.example.com/{{id}}.png">
The only way how you can pass data into your templates is via helpers. You can use global helper:
Template.registerHelper('imgExampleUrl', function() {
return 'img.example.com';
Then you can use global helper in many templates:
<template name="products">
{{#each items}}
<img src="http://{{imgExampleUrl}}/{{id}}.png">
<template name="otherTemplate">
<img src="http://{{imgExampleUrl}}/{{id}}.png">
Or if you want to get value of imgExampleUrl from settings.json
Template.registerHelper('imgExampleUrl', function() {
return Meteor.settings.public.imgExampleUrl;
Your settings.json:
"public": {
"imgExampleUrl": "img.example.com"