
How can i change the input or outputDoc name after the mapping was done?

In webMethods designer I have mapped some of the fields the Input doc(StudentInfo) to Output doc(StudentPersonalInfo).

Now the requirement is the outputDoc Name must be changed from StudentPersonalInfo-->StudentPersonalInfo2.

How can I directly change the output doc name that will reflect in the respecive services by new name.

I tried to change the the doc name by IntegrationServer\packages\<packageName>\ns\<foldername>\flow but it didn't work.


  • As stated by "Raghava Rudrakanth P V", it's not recommended to manually modify the flow.xml.

    However, the recommended way, as described by "Raghava" is much more tedious.

    If you know what you are doing, you can open the flow.xml file in a text editor and simply replace occurrences of StudentPersonalInfo to StudentPersonalInfo2.

    Note: Be wary about document references if you also have fully qualified document names containing StudentPersonalInfo.

    Make sure that you reloaded the package after you made the change so that the flow.xml file gets reloaded into memory by the webMethods engine.

    Hope it helps!