
Devise giving admin privileges to destroy

Just added an Admin model to Devise. I am on Rails 4.

I would like to give the Admin privileges to destroy and update articles that other users have created.

Having trouble finding documentation on how to do so.

Right now I have this on my index page, which allows the current creator to destroy/edit:

<% if current_user == article.user %>
    <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_article_path(article) %>
    <%= link_to 'Destroy', article, method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %>

Would I add something here to let admins be able to do this as well?

Also here is my destroy action in articles_controller:

def destroy
  @article = current_user.articles.find(params[:id])
 respond_to do |format|
  format.html { redirect_to articles_url, notice: 'Article was successfully destroyed.' }
  format.json { head :no_content }

I am still a Rails beginner. Tons to learn. If this is already documented somewhere could you please point me in that direction.


  • Here you go. Quite an extensive documentation:

    Very first steps are to simply add

     before_action :authenticate_user!

    to your controllers.

    If you also need authorization have a look at cancan:

    Or rather since CanCan is no longer maintained.