I'm trying to code an abstract factory using c++ templates. Due to the fact I've never done things like that before I'm encountering troubles. The code I wrote, as you can verify by yourself, is wrong and I have no idea on how to correct it. My idea is that there are two templated classes that will contain the base_class and the derived_class, so this class can be used with any type of class. It is templated the key too for the same reason.
#ifndef _t_factory_h_
#define _t_factory_h_
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
template < class T >
class base_creator
virtual ~base_creator(){ };
virtual T* create() = 0;
template < class derived_type , class base_type >
class derived_creator : public base_creator<base_type>
base_type* create()
return new derived_type;
template <class _key, class base >
class factory
void register_type(_key id , derived_creator<derived_type,base_type>* _fn)
_function_map[id] = _fn;
base* create(_key id)
return _function_map[id]->create();
auto it = _function_map.begin();
for(it ; it != _function_map.end() ; ++it)
delete (*it).second;
std::map<_key , derived_creator<derived_type,base_type>*> _function_map;
#endif /* defined _t_factory_h_ */
If somenone can help me to correct this code I would be grateful.
Problem solved. Here is the code:
#ifndef _t_factory_h_
#define _t_factory_h_
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
template < class T >
class base_creator
virtual ~base_creator(){ };
virtual T* create() = 0;
template < class derived_type , class base_type >
class derived_creator : public base_creator<base_type>
base_type* create()
return new derived_type;
template <class _key, class base_type >
class factory
void register_type(_key id , base_creator<base_type>* _fn)
_function_map[id] = _fn;
base_type* create(_key id)
return _function_map[id]->create();
auto it = _function_map.begin();
for(it ; it != _function_map.end() ; ++it)
delete (*it).second;
std::map<_key , base_creator<base_type>*> _function_map;
#endif /* defined _t_factory_h_ */