
Is it possible to play shoutcast internet radio streams with html5?

Is it possible to play shoutcast (or some) internet radio streams with html5?

So I have next code:

<audio src="" />

I save it as HTML page and start my browser (Google chrome, safary or FF)

But it does not play/work!(

And it does not play with any other internet radio I tried to play!(

Why!?! What am I doing wrong?

btw: from HTML5 (including next generation additions still in development) 2.6.1 Protocol concepts User agents can implement a variety of transfer protocols, but this specification mostly defines behavior in terms of HTTP. [HTTP]

The HTTP GET method is equivalent to the default retrieval action of the protocol. For example, RETR in FTP. Such actions are idempotent and safe, in HTTP terms.

The HTTP response codes are equivalent to statuses in other protocols that have the same basic meanings. For example, a "file not found" error is equivalent to a 404 code, a server error is equivalent to a 5xx code, and so on.

The HTTP headers are equivalent to fields in other protocols that have the same basic meaning. For example, the HTTP authentication headers are equivalent to the authentication aspects of the FTP protocol.


  • You can't do it with ShoutCast but with Icecast and edcast client you can stream live vorbis trough HTML5 <audio> tag. Just point it to :p