I'm trying to customize a wordpress page to include an iframe which give the users a link to there download. We're using wordpress 2.9.2 with the Thesis theme 1.51. I've been trying to use thesis hooks but appears that the php is stripped from the output. Help? Suggested alternatives?
Code from custom_functions.php:
function add_ejunkie_download_link () {
is_page('slug-url-of-page') {
echo '<iframe src="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/rp.php?noredirect=true&client_id=CID&txn_id=' . htmlspecialchars($_GET["txn_id"]) . '" width="100%" frameborder="0" height="50px"></iframe>';
remove_action('thesis_hook_custom_template', 'thesis_hook_custom_template');
add_action('thesis_hook_custom_template', 'add_ejunkie_download_link');
Though not as elegant as custom hook in custom_functions.php, Thesis Open Hook WordPress › Thesis OpenHook « WordPress Plugins is an easy way to add hooks with executable code in them.