
Which version of PhantomJS is compatible with yslow?

I am stuck at this point where I see yslow is no more going for PhantomJS 2.0 as phantom.args property in API is deprecated. But in earlier version it works.

Please let me know which version of PhantomJS works with yslow?


  • phantom.args is deprecated from PhantomJS 2.0 onwards. Either use an older version (not recommended) or edit your yslow script to use system.args instead. Note that the system module must be required.

    system.args[0] is always the script name and system.args[1] is the first, but before phantom.args[0] was the first argument. So you will also need to change all the indexes by one.

    PhantomJS had a major overhault with version 2 which also included a much newer version of WebKit.