Hi I am tring to calculate size of perticular directory using below code but i want to search string as DIR0* to list all directories named DIR01, DIR02. How can i implement this?
if ($File::Find::dir =~ m/^(.*)$search/) {
$size += -s ;
update: 2015-04-27-17:25:24 This is how the genereated regex might look
$ perl -e"use Text::Glob qw/ glob_to_regex /; print glob_to_regex(qw/ thedir0* /);
And this is how you'd use it in your program
use Text::Glob qw/ glob_to_regex /;
my $searchRe = glob_to_regex(qw/ thedir0* /);
if( $File::Find::dir =~ m{$searchRe} ){
$size += -s ;
oldanswer: use the rule its got globbing powers courtesy of Text::Glob#glob_to_regex
$ touch thedir0 thedir1 thedir5 thedir66
$ findrule . -name thedir*
$ findrule . -name thedir0*
$ perl -e"use File::Find::Rule qw/ find rule/; print for find( qw/ file name thedir0* in . /); "
$ perl -e"use File::Find::Rule qw/ find rule/; my $size= 0; $size += -s $_ for find( qw/ file name thedir0* in . /); print $size "
and the verbose version that doesn't build a list of filenames in memory
use File::Find::Rule qw/ find rule /;
my $size = 0;
directory =>
maxdepth => 1 ,
name => [ 'thedir0*', ],
exec => sub {
## my( $shortname, $path, $fullname ) = @_;
$size += -s _; ## or use $_
return !!0; ## means discard filename
)->in( 'directory' );