This question explains how to detect a ctrl+click in pygtk.
Does it also work on Lablgtk? Or is there a simpler way to do it?
In lablgtk, there is a more direct solution, although it is not immediately obvious.
From a mouse click event ev
(of type GdkEvent.Button.t
), you can detect events such as ctrl+click/shift+click with GdkEvent.Button.state
and Gdk.Convert.modifier
), as in the following example:
let state = GdkEvent.Button.state ev in
let modifiers = Gdk.Convert.modifier state in
let button = GdkEvent.Button.button ev in
if button = 1 && List.mem `CONTROL modifiers then
(* Ctrl+left click *) ...
else if button = 3 && List.mem `SHIFT` modifiers then
(* Shift+right click *) ...
The type of the modifier list is Gdk.Tags.modifier