
Grunt usemin, filerev and load-grunt-config


I have uploaded an example of the issue I am having here:

When running grunt build you will see that it generates the dist folder and inside the correct revved file, however I cannot get it to update page.html with the correct file path!

I have left the rest of the question here for reference, however, you can probably ignore it and just use the GitHub repo as an example.

I am trying to use the filerev module with usemin, but I think there maybe some issue as I am using load-grunt-config as well.

The documentation on usemin says that I should just add a revmap and set the value to:

<%= grunt.filerev.summary %>

However, this is returning undefined.


module.exports = function(grunt) {

     var config = {
         buildTasks: [
             'newer:copy', // copies the src directory to dist (htdocs)
             'requirejs', // do an r.js build to concat modular dependencies
             'fetchpages', // if there are any remote resources, fetch them here
             'concat:head', // concats js in the head
             'concat:foot', // concats js in the head
             'uglify:head', // compresses js in the head
             'uglify:foot', // compresses js in the foot
             'cssmin', // minifies and concats css
             'filerev', // changes the file name to include md5 hash and force cache refresh
             'usemin', // runs through html and inputs minified js and css
             'newer:htmlclean', // removes whitespace from html files where required
             'newer:imagemin', // minify newer images
             'clean:afterBuild' // deletes files that are not required for build

    require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, {
        jitGrunt: {
            staticMappings: {
                fetchpages: 'grunt-fetch-pages'

    grunt.registerTask('build', config.buildTasks);



module.exports = function (grunt, options) {
    return {
        revmap: '<%= grunt.filerev.summary %>',
        html: [


module.exports = function(grunt, options) {
    return {
        options: {
            algorithm: 'md5',
            length: 10
        js: {
            src: [

I am getting the error back:

Running "usemin:revmap" (usemin) task
Verifying property usemin.revmap exists in config...OK
Files: [no src] -> revmap
Options: type="revmap"
Replaced 0 references to assets


  • I have managed to fix this, you can see a working example in the master branch here:

    The main thing that helped was assetsDirs option in the usemin task. At first I also had a typo calling it assetDir, so make sure you include the s! Here is an example of the Gruntfile in this working project:

    module.exports = function(grunt) {
        copy: {
          main: {
            cwd: 'src/',
            src: '**',
            dest: 'dist/',
            expand: true,
            flatten: false
        useminPrepare: {
            html: 'dist/templates/page/page.html',
            options: {
                dest: './dist',
                root: './dist'
        filerev: {
            options: {
              algorithm: 'md5',
              length: 16
            js: {
              src: 'dist/resources/js/app.min.js'
          usemin: {
            html: 'dist/templates/page/page.html',
            options: {
                assetsDirs: ['dist']
        grunt.registerTask('build', [

    The revved file was being search relative from the assetsDirs folder, so in this case it was dist. The file path in the HTML was resources/js/app.js. So by combining the two, it was looking at dist/resources/js/app.js