I've got the following Model for Accounts
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'date'
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :username, :password, :on => :update
validate :valid_expiry_date, :on => :update
def valid_expiry_date
reply = Net::HTTP.get URI.parse("http://api.rapidshare.com/cgi-bin/rsapi.cgi?sub=getaccountdetails_v1&type=prem&login=" + username + "&password=" + password)
account = Time.at(reply[80..90].to_i)
if (Time.now + 2419200) <= account
return true
return false
errors.add_to_base("Sorry this account isn't valid")
I know the code works in a ruby.rb file and will return true or false, however I seem to be having rather a lot of difficultly trying to translate this code into an actual validation, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
Its also defiantly at least connecting to the website as my firewall asked me if the Terminal was allowed to access it.
At the moment not only is it displaying no errors it's actually letting anything through and saving it.
I don't know it solved your problem or not but your 'return statement' should be after the line
errors.add_to_base("Sorry this account isnt valid")
Change it to and check again
if (Time.now + 2419200) <= account
return true
errors.add_to_base("Sorry this account isnt valid")
return false