
Wordpress save wp_editor content using settings API

I'm creating a plugin with an admin settings page, and I want to use the settings API.

I am able to save text fields and checkboxes, but when I add a settings field with a wp_editor it's not saving..?

I used to do this with get_option, but now I want to use a settings class and the register_setting() method.

This is my code:

public function register_settings() {
    register_setting( 'eman_setting', 'eman_setting', array( $this, 'eman_validate_settings' ) );

        __( "", 'emanlang' ),                           
        array( $this, 'eman_dashboard_welcome_callback' ),   


public function eman_dashboard_welcome_callback() {
    //$content = 'Empty';
    $editor_id = 'textareadashboardwelcome';    
    $args = array('textarea_name' => 'eman_dashboard_welcome');

    if(! empty( $this->eman_setting['eman_dashboard_welcome'] ) ) {
        $content = $this->eman_setting['eman_dashboard_welcome'];
    } else {
        $content = 'The field is empty';

    wp_editor( $content, $editor_id, $args );

    /** TESTING **/
    echo '<br /><b>testing textarea output: </b>'. $content .'<br /><br />';
    echo '<b>Complete settings array dump: </b><br />';
    echo var_dump($this->eman_setting);


Note: This is only the relevant part of the code. On this page I have multiple 'add_settings_field' which are all working fine.

As you may have noticed, for testing I do a var_dump() to check what's inside the options array.

The dump returns:

array(3) { ["eman_opt_in"]=> string(2) "on" ["eman_sample_text"]=> string(10) "sample 1.1" ["eman_sample_text2"]=> string(10) "sample 2.2" } 

After saving the form, the array only contains 3 fields, so the array is not even populated with the [eman_dashboard_welcome]?

I tried many possible solutions, like adding this jQuery:

$('#submit').mousedown( function() {

But nothing works... Please help :-)


  • Found it..


    Textarea / wp_editor 'name' needs to call the field in the array.

    In my case:

    $args = array('textarea_name' => 'eman_setting[eman_dashboard_welcome]');
    wp_editor( $content, $editor_id, $args );