In the vinyl library, there is a RecAll
type family, which let's us ask that a partially applied constraint is true for every type in a type level list. For example, we can write this:
myShowFunc :: RecAll f rs Show => Rec f rs -> String
And that's all lovely. Now, if we have the constraint RecAll f rs c
where c
is unknown, and we know the c x
entails d x
(to borrow language from ekmett's contstraints package), how can we get RecAll f rs d
The reason I ask is that I'm working with records in some functions that require satisfying several typeclass constraints. To do this, I am using the :&:
combinator from the Control.Constraints.Combine module in the exists package. (Note: the package won't build if you have other things installed because it depends on a super-old version of contravariant
. You can just copy the one module I mentioned though.) With this, I can get some really beautiful constraints while minimizing typeclass broilerplate. For example:
RecAll f rs (TypeableKey :&: FromJSON :&: TypeableVal) => Rec f rs -> Value
But, inside the body of this function, I call another function that demands a weaker constraint. It might look like this:
RecAll f rs (TypeableKey :&: TypeableVal) => Rec f rs -> Value
GHC can't see that the second statement follows from the first. I assumed that would be the case. What I can't see is how to prove it for reify it and help GHC out. So far, I've got this:
import Data.Constraint
weakenAnd1 :: ((a :&: b) c) :- a c
weakenAnd1 = Sub Dict -- not the Dict from vinyl. ekmett's Dict.
weakenAnd2 :: ((a :&: b) c) :- b c
weakenAnd2 = Sub Dict
These work fine. But this is where I am stuck:
-- The two Proxy args are to stop GHC from complaining about AmbiguousTypes
weakenRecAll :: Proxy f -> Proxy rs -> (a c :- b c) -> (RecAll f rs a :- RecAll f rs b)
weakenRecAll _ _ (Sub Dict) = Sub Dict
This does not compile. Is anyone aware of a way to get the effect I am looking for. Here are the errors if they are helpful. Also, I have Dict
as a qualified import in my actual code, so that's why it mentions Constraint.Dict
Could not deduce (a c) arising from a pattern
Relevant bindings include
weakenRecAll :: Proxy f
-> Proxy rs -> (a c :- b c) -> RecAll f rs a :- RecAll f rs b
(bound at Table.hs:76:1)
In the pattern: Constraint.Dict
In the pattern: Sub Constraint.Dict
In an equation for ‘weakenRecAll’:
weakenRecAll _ _ (Sub Constraint.Dict) = Sub Constraint.Dict
Could not deduce (RecAll f rs b)
arising from a use of ‘Constraint.Dict’
from the context (b c)
bound by a pattern with constructor
Constraint.Dict :: forall (a :: Constraint).
(a) =>
Constraint.Dict a,
in an equation for ‘weakenRecAll’
at Table.hs:76:23-37
or from (RecAll f rs a)
bound by a type expected by the context:
(RecAll f rs a) => Constraint.Dict (RecAll f rs b)
at Table.hs:76:42-60
Relevant bindings include
weakenRecAll :: Proxy f
-> Proxy rs -> (a c :- b c) -> RecAll f rs a :- RecAll f rs b
(bound at Table.hs:76:1)
In the first argument of ‘Sub’, namely ‘Constraint.Dict’
In the expression: Sub Constraint.Dict
In an equation for ‘weakenRecAll’:
weakenRecAll _ _ (Sub Constraint.Dict) = Sub Constraint.Dict
Let's begin by reviewing how Dict
and (:-)
are meant to be used.
ordToEq :: Dict (Ord a) -> Dict (Eq a)
ordToEq Dict = Dict
Pattern matching on a value Dict
of type Dict (Ord a)
brings the constraint Ord a
into scope, from which Eq a
can be deduced (because Eq
is a superclass of Ord
), so Dict :: Dict (Eq a)
is well-typed.
ordEntailsEq :: Ord a :- Eq a
ordEntailsEq = Sub Dict
Similarly, Sub
brings its input constraint into scope for the duration of its argument, allowing this Dict :: Dict (Eq a)
to be well-typed as well.
However, whereas pattern-matching on Dict
brings a constraint into scope, pattern-matching on Sub Dict
does not bring into scope some new constraint conversion rule. In fact, unless the input constraint is already in scope, you can't pattern-match on Sub Dict
at all.
-- Could not deduce (Ord a) arising from a pattern
constZero :: Ord a :- Eq a -> Int
constZero (Sub Dict) = 0
-- okay
constZero' :: Ord a => Ord a :- Eq a -> Int
constZero' (Sub Dict) = 0
So that explains your first type error, "Could not deduce (a c) arising from a pattern"
: you have tried to pattern-match on Sub Dict
, but the input constraint a c
was not already in scope.
The other type error, of course, is saying that the constraints you did manage to get into scope were not sufficient to satisfy the RecAll f rs b
constraint. So, which pieces are needed, and which ones are missing? Let's look at the definition of RecAll
type family RecAll f rs c :: Constraint where
RecAll f [] c = ()
RecAll f (r : rs) c = (c (f r), RecAll f rs c)
Aha! RecAll
is a type family, so unevaluated as it is, with a completely abstract rs
, the constraint RecAll f rs c
is a black box which could not be satisfied from any set of smaller pieces. Once we specialize rs
to []
or (r : rs)
, it becomes clear which pieces we need:
recAllNil :: Dict (RecAll f '[] c)
recAllNil = Dict
recAllCons :: p rs
-> Dict (c (f r))
-> Dict (RecAll f rs c)
-> Dict (RecAll f (r ': rs) c)
recAllCons _ Dict Dict = Dict
I'm using p rs
instead of Proxy rs
because it's more flexible: if I had a Rec f rs
, for instance I could use that as my proxy with p ~ Rec f
Next, let's implement a version of the above with (:-)
instead of Dict
weakenNil :: RecAll f '[] c1 :- RecAll f '[] c2
weakenNil = Sub Dict
weakenCons :: p rs
-> c1 (f r) :- c2 (f r)
-> RecAll f rs c1 :- RecAll f rs c2
-> RecAll f (r ': rs) c1 :- RecAll f (r ': rs) c2
weakenCons _ entailsF entailsR = Sub $ case (entailsF, entailsR) of
(Sub Dict, Sub Dict) -> Dict
brings its input constraint RecAll f (r ': rs) c1
into scope for the duration of its argument, which we've arranged to include the rest of the function's body. The equation for the type family RecAll f (r ': rs) c1
expands to (c1 (f r), RecAll f rs c1)
, which are thus both brought into scope as well. The fact that they are in scope allows us to pattern-match on the two Sub Dict
, and those two Dict
bring their respective constraints into scope: c2 (f r)
, and RecAll f rs c2
. Those two are precisely what the target constraint RecAll f (r ': rs) c2
expands to, so our Dict
right-hand side is well-typed.
To complete our implementation of weakenAllRec
, we will need to pattern-match on rs
in order to determine whether to delegate the work to weakenNil
or weakenCons
. But since rs
is at the type level, we cannot pattern-match on it directly. The Hasochism paper explains how in order to pattern-match on a type-level Nat
, we need to create a wrapper datatype Natty
. The way in which Natty
works is that each of its constructors is indexed by a corresponding Nat
constructor, so when we pattern-match on a Natty
constructor at the value level, the corresponding constructor is implied at the type level as well. We could define such a wrapper for type-level lists such as rs
, but it just so happens that Rec f rs
already has constructors corresponding to []
and (:)
, and the callers of weakenAllRec
are likely to have one lying around anyway.
weakenRecAll :: Rec f rs
-> (forall a. c1 a :- c2 a)
-> RecAll f rs c1 :- RecAll f rs c2
weakenRecAll RNil entails = weakenNil
weakenRecAll (fx :& rs) entails = weakenCons rs entails
$ weakenRecAll rs entails
Note that the type of entails
must be forall a. c1 a :- c2 a
, not merely c1 a :- c2 a
, because we don't want to claim that weakenRecAll
will work for any a
of the caller's choosing, but rather, we want to require the caller to prove that c1 a
entails c2 a
for every a