
Fest swing gui framework, strange output

I am testing my SWING Gui. I do this by using the FEST framework.

I have following input:


it actually starts to fill in the textbox with following values:

And than the test crashes...

I get following exception output

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid key code '46' at org.fest.swing.core.RobotEventGenerator.pressKey( at org.fest.swing.core.BasicRobot.doPressKey( at org.fest.swing.core.BasicRobot.keyPressAndRelease( at org.fest.swing.core.BasicRobot.type( at org.fest.swing.core.BasicRobot.enterText( at org.fest.swing.driver.JTextComponentDriver.enterText( at org.fest.swing.fixture.JTextComponentFixture.enterText( at gui.GuiTest.shouldCopyTextInLabelWhenClickingButton(


  • FEST had lot of issues regarding keyboard layouts. If your locale are not en_gb/en_us you may get that kind of problems. The keyboard input depends on your keyboard layout which is different in many countries and operating system. I noticed that it also changes the : into . in your example. In sources here there are only gb/en/de mappings. To solve the problem you can add your own keyboard mappings, as explained in this article:

    FEST looks like abandoned project and I am not sure if those are latest sources.