I'm not sure I understand how the intellisense works for Microsoft's new vsCode text editor. In the docs under the "Great Code Editing Experience" heading, it shows a warning under the node global variable __dir
and offers a lightbulb suggestion to add a reference to a d.ts file so you can get intellisense for node:
I have 2 questions:
1 - How do I import DefinitelyTyped files (d.ts) directly (without editor suggesting it) or do I have to copy them from the github source and put them in a typings directory?
2 - Can I get intellisense for any library that has a typescript definition? I tried the below, but when I type in express.
or when.
, I don't get any intellisense. However, I do get node intellisense.
/// <reference path="../typings/node/node.d.ts"/>
/// <reference path="../typings/express/express.d.ts" />
var when = require('when')
, express = require('express')
, gulp = require('gulp')
UPDATE: August 2016: TSD is now depreciated. instead use https://www.npmjs.com/package/typings
npm install typings --global
If using VS2015 NodeJS v1.2 released 29th July 2016 then typings-core@1.3.1 is installed automatically for you during first use:
ntvs-typings-acquisition-tool@1.0.0 ..\..\..\..\..\node_modules\ntvs-typings-acquisition-tool
├── minimist@1.2.0
└── typings-core@1.3.1 (array-uniq@1.0.3, thenify@3.2.0, zip-object@0.1.0, popsicle-status@2.0.0, popsicle-retry@3.2.1, listify@1.0.0, promise-finally@2.2.1, xtend@4.0.1, graceful-fs@4.1.5, throat@3.0.0, lockfile@1.0.1, strip-bom@2.0.0, sort-keys@1.1.2, string-template@1.0.0, make-error-cause@1.2.1, any-promise@1.3.0, has@1.0.1, rc@1.1.6, object.pick@1.1.2, debug@2.2.0, mkdirp@0.5.1, invariant@2.2.1, configstore@2.0.0, parse-json@2.2.0, touch@1.0.0, detect-indent@4.0.0, is-absolute@0.2.5, popsicle-proxy-agent@3.0.0, rimraf@2.5.4, popsicle@8.0.4, typescript@1.8.7)
-----Original Answer-----
You can install tsd by following the instructions here.
Once you install tsd globally, you can install packages from your project root in the command line like this:
$ tsd install express --save
This will create a typings directory if one doesn't exist and adds an express directory with an express.d.ts
file inside.
It also creates a tsd.d.ts
file that contains the references to all of your tsd files. If I install a few more tsd's, here is what it looks like.
Now to access my tsd files, all I need to do is reference their path in at the top of my code with /// <reference path="typings/tsd.d.ts" />
Now I get intellisense.