I have recently tried to run an old piece of code (written on hg1) on a new version of MATLAB (2015a) that has hg2.
I used to be able to do the following (according to the "gnovice-Amro" method):
function output_txt = customDatatip(~,event_obj)
% Display the position of the data cursor
% obj Currently not used (empty)
% event_obj Handle to event object
% output_txt Data cursor text string (string or cell array of strings).
hFig = ancestor(event_obj.Target,'figure'); %// I don't trust gcf ;)
pos = get(event_obj,'Position');
output_txt = {['\lambda: ',num2str(pos(1)*1000,4) 'nm'],...
['T(\lambda): ',num2str(pos(2),4) '%']};
set(findall(hFig, 'Type','text', 'Tag','DataTipMarker'),...
'Interpreter','tex'); %// Change the interpreter
And would get nicely formatted datatip labels with Greek characters.
However, in the new hg2 system, findall
returns a 0x0 empty GraphicsPlaceholder array
, which renders setting the Interpreter
My question is: How can I set the plot datatip interpreter to (La)TeX in hg2?
After some digging using uiinspect
, I found that the "TextBox"
is now stored as a matlab.graphics.shape.internal.GraphicsTip
type of object within obj
's TipHandle
property which, in turn, has an Interpreter
property! Both properties are public
and can be set easily using dot notation. I've ended up using the following code:
function output_txt = customDatatip(obj,event_obj)
% Display the position of the data cursor // <- Autogenerated comment
% obj Currently not used (empty) // <- Autogenerated comment, NO LONGER TRUE!
% event_obj Handle to event object // <- Autogenerated comment
% output_txt Data cursor text string (string or cell array of strings). // <- A.g.c.
hFig = ancestor(event_obj.Target,'figure');
pos = get(event_obj,'Position');
output_txt = {['\lambda: ',num2str(pos(1)*1000,4) 'nm'],...
['T(\lambda): ',num2str(pos(2),4) '%']};
if ishg2(hFig)
obj.TipHandle.Interpreter = 'tex';
else %// The old version, to maintain backward compatibility:
set(findall(hFig, 'Type','text', 'Tag','DataTipMarker'),...
'Interpreter','tex'); % Change the interpreter
function tf = ishg2(fig)
tf = ~graphicsversion(fig, 'handlegraphics');
tf = false;
) is no longer ignored, since it has some use now.ishg2
function is taken from this MATLAB Answer.Just noticed that there's another way to check MATLAB's Graphic version (i.e. hg1/hg2) using the following code I found in the wavelet toolbox:
function bool = isGraphicsVersion2
%//isGraphicsVersion2 True for Graphic version 2.
%// M. Misiti, Y. Misiti, G. Oppenheim, J.M. Poggi 21-Jun-2013.
%// Last Revision: 04-Jul-2013.
%// Copyright 1995-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
%// $Revision: $ $Date: 2013/08/23 23:45:07 $
bool = ~matlab.graphics.internal.isGraphicsVersion1;
bool = ~isprop(0,'HideUndocumented');