I use crouton to host a Ubuntu 14.04 LTS os on my chromebook and I am trying to use the devstack of the openstack. However, when I run ./stack.sh, I got error message saying:
df: '/mnt/stateful_partition': No such file or directory
df: '/usr/share/oem': No such file or directory
df: '/home/chronos': No such file or directory
df: '/home/.shadow/8ffdc7dfab0156490faeb957f20259a78406cdfa/mount': No such file or directory
df: '/home/chronos/user': No such file or directory
df: '/home/user/8ffdc7dfab0156490faeb957f20259a78406cdfa': No such file or directory
df: '/home/chronos/u-8ffdc7dfab0156490faeb957f20259a78406cdfa': No such file or directory
df: '/home/root/8ffdc7dfab0156490faeb957f20259a78406cdfa': No such file or directory
df: '/run/crw': No such file or directory
+ exit 1
Any help would be really appreciated!
I feel this to be as SD card issue. Did you install ubuntu directly on your Chromebook SSD/SD??
The chances of this being openstack issue seems low.