I'm using Camera Slider. The slider has 3 images that will be automatically sliding.
And I added 3 links out of the slider that positioned with css. Here is my html structure
<div class="custom-navigation">
<a href="#">Slide1</a>
<a href="#">Slide2</a>
<a href="#">Slide3</a>
What I need Exactly
I need to change slider images when user click on the each links, like slider pagination. simply means when a user click on the Slide1 <a href="#">Slide1</a>
the slider shows first slider image and respectively. So how can I give the pagination function to custom href link
Code Demo Here - CodePen
$('.custom-navigation a').click(function(){
$('.camera_pag_ul li').eq( $(this).index() ).click();
Just pass the 'click to correspond pagination link' when you click on custom link