Whenever users input unordered lists using TinyMCE and it will look like this under source code
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
<li>item 3</li></ul>
When it renders to PDF using reportlab, it shows up without bullets all on the same line like this:
item 1 item 2 item 3
Below is the reportlab code:
<paraStyle name="long_td_contents_right_notes"
<blockTable style="blocktablestyle1" colWidths="145,{{if wide}}328{{else}}250{{endif}}">
{{ for note in notes }}
<tr><td align="left"><para style="long_td_contents_left">{{ rml(note.title) }}</para></td><td align="left"><para style="long_td_contents_left_notes"> {{ rml(note.body) }}</para></td></tr>
Any help with this would be massively appreciated.
This worked.
{{ for note in notes }}
notesWithBullets = rml( note.body.replace('<li>', '• ').replace('</p>','<br>').replace('</ul>','<br>').replace('</li>', '<br>'))
<tr><td align="left"><para style="long_td_contents_left">{{ rml(note.title) }}</para></td><td align="left"><para style="long_td_contents_left">{{ rml(notesWithBullets) }}</para></td></tr>