Given a point (pX, pY) and a circle with a known center (cX,cY) and radius (r), what is the shortest amount of code you can come up with to find the point on the circle closest to (pX, pY) ?
I've got some code kind of working but it involves converting the circle to an equation of the form (x - cX)^2 + (y - cY)^2 = r^2 (where r is radius) and using the equation of the line from point (pX, pY) to (cX, cY) to create a quadratic equation to be solved.
Once I iron out the bugs it'll do, but it seems such an inelegant solution.
where P is the point, C is the center, and R is the radius, in a suitable "mathy" language:
V = (P - C); Answer = C + V / |V| * R;
where |V| is length of V.
double vX = pX - cX;
double vY = pY - cY;
double magV = sqrt(vX*vX + vY*vY);
double aX = cX + vX / magV * R;
double aY = cY + vY / magV * R;
easy to extend to >2 dimensions.