I am using TTTAttributedLabel and I usually use sizetofit in my tableview cell. After that, I use sizeWithFont in my cell height calculation. I set TTTAttributedLabel like this.
[self.attributedLabel setText:@"Test\n\n\n\n"];
CGSize contentSize = [self.attributedLabel.text sizeWithFont:self.attributedLabel.font
constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(CGRectGetWidth(self.attributedLabel.frame), 1000)
[self.attributedLabel sizeToFit];
I notice that height is different. I got my output like this. So I guess it is wrong. May I know how to fix? I am testing on iOS 8 device.
You should calculate sizing instead with TTTAttributedLabel
's built-in method
+[TTTAttributedLabel sizeThatFitsAttributedString: withConstraints:limitedToNumberOfLines:
, which will return a proper CGSize
for you.