
Printer Driver Development Using Windows DDK error

I'm a software developer a printer manufacturer. Recently asked a driver. So i start digging for tutorials, samples, articles.

First thing i do, i downloaded the Windows Driver Kit 7600.16385.1. I install it, build it with some sample drivers (For example, generic/text only). I changed the manufacturer section in the inf file and worked fine. But i asked to do more specific driver, getting data from any application that can print and send it to our printer.

At this point i do some extra digging, installing Visual Studio 2013 and winddk 8.1. I try the v4 printer driver sample out of the box. I managed to build it (Inf to cat acting strange, so i disabled it project properities). Then i try the installing a printer with new driver. Driver software wasn't installed at all. I get through inf syntax, found some erros and fix it the problem. After then I keep getting 0x00000002 error. I managed to solve problem, then i getting 0x0000003 error.

So, i write down a inf intaller c# project, managed to install driver. Driver was showing up in printer drivers section, but i try the install a new printer, installation keep getting failed with error 0x0000003. I do some search about error, i found it's path_not_found error. I check my inf file, doing some syntax checking. I put some effort there, but i keep getting error 0x0000003.

What i do for solving the problem?

  1. In forums, people say it's a priviledge problem causing this error in windows credentials. I setup new admin account and install the driver. But when try the setup a printer error is same.

  2. I investigate windows logs under windows folder: and setupact.log. In this section i find 0x0000002 errors, but not found 0x000003 errors. This is not helpful for me.

  3. Some people in the forums says may be pre installed drivers and printer causing problems. I uninstall the drivers and printers under system32 driverstore. Also uninstall the printer sevices and printers section under control panel. Result is same.

  4. I found channel9, it's microsoft development network some sort of. I found some video tutorials and slides about development. I watched HW-328T, HW-238T, HW-979P, HW-981P, HW-903T, HW-322T. This videos gave me some insight, but nothing more.

  5. So i keep digging problem, using eventwiever tool by windows. Found HRESULT 0x80070003 error. It's a printer spooler error log says. I restart the spooler, error continued, i restart service and restart the computer, error continues.

  6. I try the old entries of my driver Registry Editor. Result is same. I managed to get admin privilidges of windows folder, it didn't make difference.

  7. I try the install new printer using command line with admin privlidges, result is same.

  8. Numerous attemps for installing on 64 bit and 32 bit windows.

  9. Also i try using GPD, PPD types.

My Code Samples.

  1. INF File

    Signature="$Windows NT$"
    DefaultDestDir = 66000
    "Ali V1" = Ali.GPD
    "Ali V1" = Ali.GPD
    "Ali V1" = Ali.GPD
    1= %DiskName%,,,
    Ali.gpd = 1
    1= %DiskName%,,,
    Ali.gpd = 1
    DiskName="Ali Installation Disk"
  2. My C# Function Code for installing inf files

    if (SetupCopyOEMInf(inf_path, "", 2, 0x0000400, null, 0, 0, null))

Thanks in advance.

Note: if needed, i can post gpd file also.


  • It would appear that you do not have a copy section in the INF file that should look something like:


    The Inf file requires this to know what files to copy. Here is the relevant MSDN doc on this topic.

    Hope this helps.