I just wanted to see which element is getting selected, and change other labels and texfields on the frame as per the index. My code is as follows:
list = new JList(listModel);
list.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
When I clicked first element output: 0 0
After clicking the second element: 1 1
After that I tried to click first element again, but this time output was 1 1
again. When I tried with 25 elements, selecting last element and after that click first element and output is 23 23
. Is it about event's problem or it's about my code?
The behaviour you get is the standard one, if you want to have different one, create your own SelectionListener
that considers also getValueIsAdjusting().
class SharedListSelectionHandler implements ListSelectionListener {
public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) {
ListSelectionModel lsm = (ListSelectionModel)e.getSource();
int firstIndex = e.getFirstIndex();
int lastIndex = e.getLastIndex();
boolean isAdjusting = e.getValueIsAdjusting();
output.append("Event for indexes "
+ firstIndex + " - " + lastIndex
+ "; isAdjusting is " + isAdjusting
+ "; selected indexes:");
if (lsm.isSelectionEmpty()) {
output.append(" <none>");
} else {
// Find out which indexes are selected.
int minIndex = lsm.getMinSelectionIndex();
int maxIndex = lsm.getMaxSelectionIndex();
for (int i = minIndex; i <= maxIndex; i++) {
if (lsm.isSelectedIndex(i)) {
output.append(" " + i);