NServiceBus includes meta Header with message "NServiceBus.EnclosedMessageTypes". It puts AssemblyQualifiedName of serialized type in there.
e.g.: MyNamespance.MyType, MyAssembly, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7777777777777777
Can I make NServiceBus use just type FullName instead?
eg: MyNamespance.MyType
instead of AssemblyQualifiedName.
Use Case: Some legacy part of the system code requires assemblies signed. I don't want to sign all assemblies for this reason. So as a hack assemblies self signed only in legacy application. But when messages from shared contracts packages serialized in legacy application NServiceBus cannot deserialize them without signed assembly.
'NServiceBus.MessageDeserializationException: An error occurred while attempting to extract logical messages from transport message 99999999-9999-99999-9999-999999999999 ---> Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializationException: Type specified in JSON 'MyNamespance.MyType, MyAssembly' was not resolved. Path '[0].$type', line 9, position 999.'
The answer lies in IMutateTransportMessages
or more specifically in this case IMutateOutgoingTransportMessages
It allows changing headers, so I could strip PublicToken, so assembly looks unsigned.
public class EnclosedMessageTypeMutator : IMutateOutgoingTransportMessages
public void MutateOutgoing(LogicalMessage logicalMessage, TransportMessage transportMessage)
var header = transportMessage.Headers["NServiceBus.EnclosedMessageTypes"];
header = header.Substring(0, header.LastIndexOf("=", StringComparison.InvariantCulture) + 1) + "null";
transportMessage.Headers["NServiceBus.EnclosedMessageTypes"] = header;
And don't forget to register it: