
Will web master tool crawler SQL (database)

Am saving all page data in SQL and retrieve it using PHP.

Will web master tools like GOOGLE WEB MASTER, BING WEB MASTER,etc will crawler all data in database

so that it display result on search engine

Because web master tools will find title and text in HTML or PHP page, but in my case I save all title and data in SQL.

If I save data in SQL database web master will crawl it or not?


  • Data in your database will not be crawled. Crawler will, however, crawl every data you input in your page. Crawler are like user, they load every page of your website they can find an read the HTML that is outputted. But nobody can access your database unless you give them the code for it. Just make sure that you output the right thing in your html pages.

    Your title will be read by crawler because the data are sent by PHP from your database, and the server then send a HTML output result. They won't read your database but they will read what you see on your website (your title and etc) becasue you ask PHP to output them.