
How to stub CocoaLumberjack or NSLog with OCMockito

I can stub/verify a class method, but I'm having difficulty with defined macros. I'm trying to test that one of my methods calls DDLogInfo.

It's defined like so in the CocoaLumberjack source

#define DDLogInfo(frmt, ...)    LOG_MAYBE(LOG_ASYNC_ENABLED, LOG_LEVEL_DEF, DDLogFlagInfo,    0, nil, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, frmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)



  • All standard DDLog macros call +[DDLog log:level:flag:context:file:function:line:tag:format:], so with OCMock, you would verify that DDLogInfo was called by:

    - (void)testMethodCallsDDLogInfo {
        id mockDDLog = OCMClassMock([DDLog class]);
        [obj methodThatCallsDDLogInfo];
        OCMVerify([mockDDLog log:YES level:DDLogLevelAll flag:DDLogFlagInfo context:0 file:[OCMArg anyPointer] function:[OCMArg anyPointer] line:58 tag:[OCMArg any] format:[OCMArg any]]);

    Unfortunately, with this strategy you must hard-code several values, as OCMock does not have a way to specify a generic non-pointer argument.