In a production Rails 4.2 app, I am seeing the following log error whenever a Events#show page is called.
PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "actions" SELECT "merit_actions".* FROM "merit_actions" WHERE (actions.trackable_type = 'Comment' AND actions.trackable_id in (NULL))
I am having trouble working out why/how this query is being created, and debugging the problem.
This query should be building an activity feed, based loosely on this Railscast. The Event model has a polymorphic Actionable association, through which many Comments and Photos are associated.
In the Event model is the following method
def action_feed
fetch_comments = Action.where( 'actions.trackable_type = ? AND actions.trackable_id in (?)', "Comment", )
fetch_photos = Action.where( 'actions.trackable_type = ? AND actions.trackable_id in (?)', "Photo", )
merged_actions = fetch_comments | fetch_photos
sorted_actions = merged_actions.sort_by{ |a| a[:created_at] }.reverse
paginated_actions = Kaminari.paginate_array( sorted_actions )
As you can see, the Action model is referenced, but there is no reference to merit_actions
that is causing the problems in the query.
I do have the Merit gem installed
class User
but not on the Event model.
Why is this query referencing merit_actions
, and how can I debug this? It is not making sense to me.
Your Action
model clashes with Merit's, which is surprising because Merit's is namespaced.
Try specifying the root namespace on your calls, like ::Action
If this can be fixed in merit I'll gladly release the bugfix.