
verilog mux not working

I wanted to build a small code for 2*1 mux where the inputs come from different modules (to make it more practical), but I'm always getting output as High Impedence ('Z'). Any suggestions?

module  mux_using_assign(
  din_0      , // Mux first input
  din_1      , // Mux Second input
  sel        , // Select input
  mux_out      // Mux output
  input din_0, din_1, sel ;
  output mux_out;
  wire  mux_out;
  assign mux_out = (sel) ? din_1 : din_0;

  endmodule //End Of Module mux

  module ip1();
  wire a;
  mux_using_assign dut1(.din_0(a));
  assign a = 1;

  module ip2();
  wire b;
  mux_using_assign dut1(.din_1(b));
  assign b = 0;

  module test();
  wire sel        ; // Select input
  wire mux_out;
  ip1 aa();    // tried commenting this and following line also
  ip2 bb();
  mux_using_assign dut1(.sel(sel),.mux_out(mux_out));
  assign sel=1;


  • The problem is that the dut1 instance in each module is a separate instance from the other modules. In other words, each of ip1, ip2, and test have their own dut1 muxer. You'll need to use input/output wires and link them all to a single mux_using_assign declaration.