
JBoss Forge does not respond to command

Following setup:

  1. I am using Win 7, Java 1.7
  2. I successfully installed JBoss Forge 2.15.1
  3. I added /.../forge-distribution-2.15.1.Final/bin/ to my PATH
  4. I can start forge with forge

But none of the commands works:

[D:\]$ list-commands

Command: list-commands was not found

The same goes for new-project.

BUT: version command goes fine.

I could use any advice, as I see nothing on the documentation page (and I mean nothing: something does not work with my browser?)

EDIT: Version 1 of Forge did the job before. I installed the new version and changed the bin-path.


  • Most commands have been renamed in version 2.x.

    list-commands -> command-list
    new-project -> project-new

    More info: