Using the numbers file below, how do i set a value into cell B2?
The hard part is that i cannot use any of the code below:
set the value of cell 2 of column "B" to "200.00"
set the value of cell "B2" to "200.00"
Based on the requirements, i have to find the row and the column because their positions can change.
I have got this part to work:
set the value of cell 2 of column of (first cell of row 1 whose value is "SUM") to "200.00"
Now I'm trying to get rid of the cell 2
in the code above. I can't figure it out. Any help will be much appreciated.
You can use the header's name like this :
tell application "Numbers"
tell table 1 of sheet 1 of document 1
set colIndex to address of column "SUM"
set value of cell colIndex of row "Jan" to "200.00"
end tell
end tell