
How can I find the minimum browser requirement for JsTree 3.1.1

I am trying to figure out the minimum requirement for my application which is using JsTree 3.1.1

Is it any way to find out the very first browser version that supports features used in JsTree 3.1.1?

Bonus: In general, how can I find the minimum requirements if the documentation does not exists. e.g. maybe a tool that try the application using different version of FF and test the test cases.


  • The list is right there on http://jstree.com (the browser icons) - all modern browsers + IE8 and up.

    If you are looking for a specific version of firefox (as I see it as a tag) - I believe Firefox 3 (which is old enough not to be mentioned).

    Keep in mind IE8 support is OK (you may lack some visual sugar, but it will work properly), provided you are not in quirks mode or compatibility mode.

    Edit: The minimum Firefox version is 3.5, as jstree needs document.querySelector