I'm trying to figure out how to in as3 (not mxml) add views to a view stack.
For example I have a view component like so
package components.screens
import mx.controls.Label;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
public class HomeScreen extends UIComponent
private var l:Label=new Label()
public function HomeScreen()
I've being trying to add it to a viewstack in the following way
var myStack:ViewStack= new ViewStack();
This does not work. Whats the correct way?
I'm aware I have to assign ID's but for now I just want to get the view in there
Can you quantify "Does not work" Are you getting a compile time error; or a run time error? Or something else?
I'm pretty sure all of the ViewStack's children must be containers; so in theory your custom component should be extending container, not UIComponent.
To quote http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/mx/containers/ViewStack.html
A ViewStack navigator container consists of a collection of child containers