
using caret for survival analysis (random survival forest)

Is there a way to use caret for Survival Analysis. I really like how easy to use it is. I tried fitting a random survival forest using the party package, which is on caret's list.

This works:


fitcforest <- cforest(Surv(futime, death) ~ sex+age, data=flchain,
                     controls = cforest_classical(ntree = 1000))

but using caret I get an error:

fitControl <- trainControl(## 10-fold CV
  method = "repeatedcv",
  number = 10,
  repeats = 2,

cforestfit <- train(Surv(futime, death) ~ sex+age,data=flchain, method="cforest",trControl = fitControl)

I get this error:

Error: nrow(x) == length(y) is not TRUE

Is there a way to make these Surv object work with caret? Can I use other survival analysis oriented packages with caret?



  • Not yet. That is one of two major updates that should be coming soon (the other expands pre-processing).

    Contact me offline if you are interested in helping the development and/or testing of those features.



    Not really an answer. Needs to be updated if there is now a strategy.