I have a java class that consist of an inner interface, and plan to implement the implementation class during runtime with asm bytecode injection.
package my.example;
public class X{
public static interface XInt{
public void getX();
//the following class that implement the interface will be defined during runtime.
//I put it here just to show how the implementation will look like
public static XImpl extend Y implements XInt{
public void getX(){//implementation code}
I am sure my asm code is correct, but the thing is after defining the class and call Class.forName("my.example.X$XImpl"), I get the following error:
> Bad <init> method call
Exception Details:
my/example/X$XImpl.<init>()V: invokespecial
Type 'my/other/package/Y' is not assignable to 'my/example/X$XImpl'
My guess is that the class Y is not available during runtime yet? I have no idea.. Any help would be appreciated!
EDIT: The way I load XImpl is very simple:
defineClass("my.example.X$XImpl", getXImplByte());
Class.forName("my.example.X$XImpl"); //fails here
The reason why im sure my byte code and class loading method is right because if i define the implementation class without extending any other class, it will work fine
Seems that ASM classloader isn't a child of X
classloader, so there is two different classes (even though they are identical), which can't be casted to each other.
Try to use:
Method m = ClassLoader.getDeclaredMethods("defineClass", String.class, byte[].class, int.class, int.class);
m.invoke(X.class.getClassLoader(), ...);