I am able to get the following code to work:
world_dat <- get_ensemble_temp(world,"annualavg",2080,2100)
but I would like to change it to historical and start in 1920,1939 (or even earlier). Unfortunately it keeps saying unused arguments
world_dat2 <- get_historical_temp(world,"annualavg",1920,1939)
I basically want to create a world map showing historical temperatures. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thx!
The reason why you get the "unused argument" error is because the arguments for these two functions are different:
get_ensemble_temp(locator, type, start, end)
get_historical_temp(locator, time_scale)
For the "get_historical_temp" function, you would set time_scale="year", and then subset to the years that you want. E.g.:
USA_dat <- get_historical_temp("USA", "year")
USA_dat_small <- subset(USA_dat, year >= 1920 & year <= 1939,
The outputs of these functions are quite different, too. You will have to average and summarize the data from "get_historical_temp" to make them comparable to the output of "get_ensemble_temp"
Also, I couldn't get your first line to work with the argument "world." According to the docs (http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rWBclimate/rWBclimate.pdf) you have to use a vector of all country codes in order to get the whole world's data all at once.