
Xperia z1 compact Android Lollipop Unable to read from '/sys/class/leds/wled:backlight/max_current'

After android 5 lollipop update I have a lot of error message on adb logcat console:

280-300/? E/leds-amami﹕ Unable to read from '/sys/class/leds/wled:backlight/max_current'

from ps

system    280   1     14284  1044  ffffffff 00000000 S /system/bin/illumination_service

It is hard to develop on android with this message every 50ms Is there a solution or we must hope in an update?


  • Waiting for Sony answer I have found a workaround to exclude from logcat the booring message. I have realized a regex filter on Android Studio as in the image

    z1 leds-amami error